Friday, December 6, 2019
The Intended To Provide A Detailed Interpretation In Accounting
Question: Discuss intended to provide a detailed interpretation in Accounting? Answer: Introducation: The report is intended to provide a detailed interpretation on the topic Half a Defense of Positive Accounting Research. In this discourse the emphasis has been given on the theory of positive accounting with major focus on research program varied intends to form a casual description of human behavior as it has been prescribed in the accounting framework rather than taking into consideration the concept of PAT in accounting (Soin and Collier 2013). In addition to this, the present segment is seen with a wider positivist research association with various types of deficiencies which is identified in real practice. Hence the present study brings the most complex elements in the casual development of several speculative models which shows excessive dependence after taking into consideration the hypothesis of the study. It further lacks the attention of the present and the numerical values of the parameters (Quinn 2014). The researchers further impede evaluate the advantages and disadvantages associated to positive accounting approach. It is aligned with the epistemology and ontology. With respect to the present context the review of several loopholes in the positive accounting has been done in the research project. The study has been further conducted to do a critical analysis of each and every element which is entirely stated in the conclusion of the report. The theoretical framework has been further about the show the significant than the limitations of the articles (Wagenhofer 2016). Summary of the article In the given article, the research has been able to investigate the various types of relations associated to positive accounting approach in the accounting research. The accounting research with the positive approach is seen to be linked with various types of broader intellectual projects which analyses the cause and effect relationships. Furthermore, there have been several deficiencies in the present positive accounting approach and this has been rightly illustrated in the auditing literature. The loopholes in the positive research for the accomplishment of present scientific goals have been done after selecting the most appropriate illustrative papers associated to the research. The description provided by Kuhn, has been able to associate the various sections of normal sciences which suit the theory of positive accounting. It has an further noted that the prospects of the Kuhnian revolution has been duly mentioned which will assist in accomplishment of positive accounting research (Shields 2015). The research is based on the Popper criterion has been further able to highlight the notion that induction is not alone is not sufficient for measuring the accuracy in a given theory. In other context, the article is able to provide a brief overview of the falsification of positive accounting theory. In total there has been four glasses of description which has been identifying form of external effects, and our measurements and internal effects and the various types of elements associated to inefficiency in the relativity theory (Contrafatto and Burns 2013). The particular article is able to show the logical association with hypothesis testing which has been noted with the dilute version of Popper acquisitions. The rationale for this is due to every single test is out of 20 which can be wrongly rejected at 5% significance level (Miller and Power 2013). Research Questions or Hypothesis The main form of the research questions for the validity of the positive accounting research has been given below as follows: H0: The existence of universe persists beyond the imagination level of an individual H1: The events taking place have proper reasons for my part of the universe as well H2: The individuals can gather high level of reliable source of the data related to global happenings with the help of vigilant observation H3: Motive of intellectual property used for making use of the observations for achieving a global understanding of the universe with particular relevance to causation The first hypothesis is associated to the operation of rational self-interest and the interaction with other parties will express their opinion. The necessity of the second hypothesis is seen with scientific epistemology and ontology and overall depictions made for the research and positive accounting which is not identical with accounting research. The third hypothesis is able to discuss the falsification is along with hypothesis test for determination of actions validity. The final hypothesis is able to show the necessary models to focus on the measurements. This is associated to mental models which are used for mapping of the casual procedure and documents in the universe (Bromwich and Scapens 2016). Theoretical Framework The various types of theoretical framework have proved to be conducive in meeting the necessary objectives set for the purpose of the research. Instances of positive research in accounting The balanced self-interest operation is seen to take place between the parties in which the outcome of the accounting phenomena is defined through express contracts in various types of business concerns. In addition to this, this has been seen to cover the various types of accounting choices where the managers of the organization reports and conducts various types of pricing based decision with the use of regulations prescribed under standard-setting and advice for professional academic practitioners. It is conducive for considering the fact in data mining the various types of information assisting the investors during taking the investment decision. The actions have been reduced through the behavior of the individuals who are seen to be rational and did not include in the theory of positive accounting. In various instance the article has been able to assist in identification of several drawbacks after extensive evaluation of the research articles (Van der Stede 2015). On the other hand, a thorough investigation of the various elements is seen to take place in the absence of coherent behavior for the accounting researcher. It has been further observed that the accounting settings can take place even when the coherent behavior is absent. This particular method is seen to be used by the audit professionals during placing of judgments. In this manner, the managers are able to determine system performance evaluation. In several instances it has further assisted in depicting the program associated to positive research which has Fido use in compared to the positive accounting theory. In many research studies that can be specified that for gaining an appropriate insight related to accounting phenomena it is important to follow scientific research of accounting. Hence it is implied that superior measurement tools needs to be used to give research and enhanced quality of decision-making process in the long run (Scapens 2016). Scientific epistemology and ontology The conceptualization of epistemology is identified as the field of scientific research which is seen to give an augmented focus in the explanation of various types of approaches which are available for gaining important insights of the entire world. On the contrary, the ontology is seen to identify the accusation of answers for the questions. In the first instance, the human agency is seen to be socially developed nature with the roles, as there has been close association of the social art which does not have an objective subsistence that is devoid of human beings they are participants and activities are not proposing any rational activities. It needs to be further understood that art cannot be devoid of the experiences associated to human beings and explanations which is given to the participants. There have been several complexities which takes place on the ontological and the epistemological agendas in order to have a proper knowledge on the process of acquisition of accounting p henomena otherwise it can be considered as a futile effort (Hopper and Bui 2016). Some of the problems have been found during storing of the underlying reasons. The first problem is associated with existence of research streams with diverse range of objectives in a certain period of time. The second issue has been identified related to the agency. This has been identified as the main rationale for why human beings pose their individual will. The actions of the human beings actually result in causes which are not at all acquiescent to scientific theory. In addition to this it is necessary for describing the general trend where auditors and accountants behave in a particular manner. Hence, there has been several behavioral causes which cannot be identified in this world (Messner 2016). Need for an effective positive research program The main need for the effective research program has been identified to resolve the current issues in the accounting. Based on the given article it has been understood that there is a need for stringent test of vulnerable models so that they can be careful evaluation of variable measurement. The necessity of the analytical model will be assisting in the formation of theoretical models. The implementation based on the analytical model in positive accounting research needs to consider the preoccupation where swings from the tractability and plausibility (Salterio 2015). It has been for the suggested that there needs to be augmented focus on the measurement rather than only focusing on test procedures. It has been further observed that in accounting, there are several biasness noted with relevance to strong publication against the dimensions which exudes the linkage to the associated theory. The main rationale for this has been identified because of shortage of resources and on a availa bility of various types of required resources at the same time in accounting (Mittendorf 2015). Significance and Limitations of the article Some of the main significance has been noted in form of which exists between the current practices and the need for making relevant contributions to the broader intellectual program. Due to this there has been absence of system optimization which is essential in providing the rationale for insights associated to scientific research where it validates the participation of groups of accounting. In addition to this, they research has helped in several ways to provide more reliable theoretical models. Hence, positive accounting research is discerned as one of the ramifications of quantitative models which is minimized for statements of projected trend present among two variables (Malmi 2016). The main limitations of this article show that the research will not be able to contribute anything to the awareness of human behavior in the current accounting phenomena. The main rationale behind this is due to the lack of acquisition of real-life data from relevant sources. Furthermore, there have been several limitations associated with an article which shows that there is a lack of adequate primary and secondary data which affects the quality of the research to a great extent (Nrreklit 2014). In this case, the researcher has been able to make the inferences with the statement of authors who had their own opinion based on positive research accounting. Therefore, it has been observed that the quantitative aspects has not been explained in an appropriate manner, which is very essential in the present era, as it assists in estimation of the future growth of the organization in the long run (Panaretou, Shackleton and Taylor 2013). Conclusion The study can be concluded by stating that a given article is aimed to analyze the various types of contexts of the research based on an epistemology as well as ontology of the positive accounting research. The study has been further able to identify the loopholes in existing in the current system and the techniques which has been applied to overcome the issues at the same time. The main recommendations to the researcher has been able to show that there are some theoretical models which are used in the articles needed to formulate the research and give a detailed testing to the accounting variables. In addition to this requirement has been also seen far better use of the measurement tools for rigorous testing of the different types of theoretical models. The importance of the concepts has been seen to be implemented after conducting the findings of proxies it is associated with the present reliable sources. It has been further understood that human behavior is rationale in nature whe re every aspect is not considered from the positive accounting theory viewpoint. Reference List BromwichM. and ScapensR. W. (2016) Management Accounting Research: 25 years on, Management Accounting Research, 31, pp. 19. doi: 10.1016/j.mar.2016.03.002. ContrafattoM. and BurnsJ. (2013) Social and environmental accounting, organisational change and management accounting: A processual view, Management Accounting Research, 24(4), pp. 349365. doi: 10.1016/j.mar.2013.10.004. HopperT. and BuiB. (2016) Has Management Accounting Research been critical?, Management Accounting Research, 31, pp. 1030. doi: 10.1016/j.mar.2015.08.001. MalmiT. (2016) Managerialist studies in management accounting: 1990-2014, Management Accounting Research, 31, pp. 3144. doi: 10.1016/j.mar.2016.02.002. MessnerM. (2016) Does industry matter? 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